Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fight the Bull

book to read: why business people speak like idiots

Fight the Bull: " My dad always told this great story about when he was in high school. Story goes that one day they opened up the hood of a teacher's car and wired the brakes to the horn so that every time he tapped the brakes it would honk the horn. I have no idea if it's true, or if that's even possible, but it's a funny story. I've always thought it would be nice to have something like that happen whenever anyone utters any corporate vapor-speak. You've heard it before: 'This is just the kind of synergistic, customer-centric, upsell-driven, out-of-the-box, customizable, strategically tactical, best-of-breed thought leadership that will help our clients track to true north. Let's fly this up the flagpole and see where the pushback is.' Well it looks like Deloitte Consulting (as if that's not ironic enough) has done the next best thing, and it's now a book: Link: Fight the Bull - Why Business People Speak Like Idiots."


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